
From the Cathedral to the Lungau
Pilgrimage is (not only) the pleasure of Salzburgers. That is why, among other things, the Leonhard Trail also leads through the country and invites you to extensive hiking. In stages, of course. It starts at the imposing Salzburg Cathedral, the destination is Tamsweg in Lungau – in between it goes through Hallein.
With 136 km, the Leonhardsweg leads through numerous areas worth seeing. Sometimes the route is flat, sometimes it climbs up to 1,100 meters in altitude. A stop between St. Leonhard in Grödig and Bad Vigaun should definitely be made in Hallein: at the Silent Night Museum. Did you know that the melody of the famous Christmas song was written here by Franz Xaver Gruber? This and much more you will learn as a pilgrim through beautiful Salzburg.