Studio Jürgen Norbert Fux

Barcode as character
Art away from the norms is the philosophy of Jürgen Norbert Fux. His works they are exhibited in galleries around the globe, in Tel Aviv he presents himself with his own studio and each of his cycles reaches cult status. Yet his approach is not a conventional one: portrait photographs are broken open to reveal the raw that lies beneath. Fux is a man of many sides. He knows how to inspire, with his esprit, his verve, his agility and eloquence while keeping his feet on the ground. His view of the world is never lofty or even detached. Rather, through techniques and color, he knows how to draw the viewer into a world that quickly creates an addiction and demands more. His works are always exciting and depict sides of life, to which so no one or only a few dare.
Stable value instead of mass-produced goods. In the process, his portrait photographs are at the center of the images. The image is transferred to a canvas and then in the artistic process a complex process takes place to create a three-dimensional photo object. In this process, paint is applied to the image, photographed and printed. This process is repeated until the so-called “mother” of the new cycle is created. She is never sold, as is customary in any good family. From her then emerges the first image, the original: printed on glass and framed in stainless steel. This is followed by nine canvas art prints, whose sizes can be customized for the buyer.